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Friday, 4 May 2012

Austin and Ally

Austin and Ally are a new cool yet quirky show. The main characters are :
 Austin a cool, fun-loving, singer who wants to make it big in the music industry with the help of Ally a quirky, seriously stage frightened, song writer who is helping Austin achieve he's dreams. Dez a weird friend Austin's who has skill for making music videos. Trish a bubbly friend of Ally's who supports her and adds a little "awesomeness" to the show. cause the show is still new it is not as AWESOME as it can be. This show can diffidently be AMAZING just wait and see. 4/5. Watch this it will be the best show EVER!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this show is amazing i watch it as often as i can. I love spaced out
